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Alumni Weekend Leaflet, 76th Anniversary of the State Schools and cornerstone laying of Green Hall, 1931 · Unidad documental simple · 1931
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This single page leaflet marks the transition between the Normal and Model Schools in Trenton and the modern institution known as The College of New Jersey in Ewing. Aside from celebrating "Alumni Week-End" (the equivalent to today's homecoming, though held in the Spring), the celebrations marked the schools' 76th anniversary and the cornerstone-laying for the first building at Hillwood Lakes, Green Hall. No transcription.

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Green Hall Cornerstone Laying program, 1931 · Unidad documental simple · 1931
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This program booklet dates from the cornerstone laying of the Hillwood Lakes campus's first building, Green Hall. This event marked a transition point for the college away from the city of Trenton, and several notables were invited to attend. No transcription.

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Critic's Reports, 27 October 1899
Critic's Reports, 27 October 1899 · Unidad documental simple · 1899
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

Two reports for the meeting, or meetings, in the last weeks of October. Both are dated October 27, but J. Foster Post's report likely refers to the meeting of October 20. Regardless, Post's report was rejected. The second, by an unidentified author named "R. Reynolds," directly criticizes the apparently poor quality Post's report.
Both reports describe events surrounding the Thencanic's anniversary celebrations, held the last Friday in October, which further complicates the question of dating. Either way, these reports together give insight into a long-running and much beloved annual Thencanic event. Transcription included.

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Thencanic Resolutions by John A. Schultz, September - November 1898 · Unidad documental simple · 1898
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

These three resolutions by John A. Schultz, a Censor of the Thencanic Society at this time, give insight into the group's general workings. The first item involves an amendment to the By-Laws regarding the weekly Synopser, while the second and third involve invitations to and costs of the Society's 16th anniversary celebrations. Transcription included.

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“The Girl Graduate: Her Own Book," scrapbook by Emma R. Kerns Crofton, Normal School Class of 1916 · Unidad documental simple · ca. 1911-1917
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This scrapbook includes photographs, illustrations, commencement and class day booklets, correspondence, report cards, and ephemera collected by Emma R. Kerns, Model School Class of 1916. It offers insight into the daily lives and school careers of the Model students throughout the school's final years before its closure after the 1917 academic year. Later annotations also appear; some are perhaps by Miss Kerns before her death in 1977, but others most likely were added by past Trentoniana librarians following the book's donation ca. 1977. Any additions in a clearly different hand have been rendered in italics. Some of these italicized annotations simply read "index," probably referring to Trentoniana's card catalogue.

Due to the volume's bulky nature, it was not possible to digitize without disbinding the entire volume and scanning pages individually. Two photos of the book before this process are included at the end of the PDF. Pages have been scanned in order, skipping any blank sections; as a result, page numbers may appear to jump. Kerns also pasted many booklets and folded items into these pages, and these items sometimes required multiple scans to entirely capture. Finally, note that file size limits have required a significant amount of compression to host this PDF, and may negatively affect the quality of the images. An unaltered version is available through Trentoniana upon request.

A partial transcription of the handwritten sections is included.

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Thencanic Society Memorial Window resolution, 19 January 1900 · Unidad documental simple · 1900
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This resolution began the Thencanic Society's efforts to install a "memorial window" in the Normal/Model Schools' "chapel." See the related materials for further information on this project. Transcription included.

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Report of Thencanic/Normal joint committee on debate, n.d. (ca. 1894-1901) · Unidad documental simple · ca. 1894-1901
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

At a joint session of the Thencanic Society and the Normal Debating Society, both schools' clubs agreed on the specifics of a debate. After deciding to hold the event before the other members of the schools, they decided a topic: on whether financial trusts benefit the country. While the document itself is undated, the names mentioned point to between 1894 (Professor Burt's first year) and 1901 (when Thomas H. Clinton graduated). Transcription included.

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Thencanic Reunion Booklets, 16 June 1905 · Unidad documental simple · 1905
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

At the end of the 1904-1905 academic year, the Thencanic Society held a reunion banquet for its members and alumni, the product of which was this booklet. The event included a number of speeches by past Thencanic Presidents (and James M. Green). Perhaps most importantly, the booklet elaborates the names of the Thencanic's presidents through the February 1905 term. A partial transcription, covering only the autographs, is included.

A note: Trentoniana owns two copies of this booklet, which are identical aside from the autographs section. The first three pages of the attached PDF cover the entirety of the first copy, while the final page is the only unique part of the second.

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Critic's Report, 28 October 1898
Critic's Report, 28 October 1898 · Unidad documental simple · 1898
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This report offers a brief summary of the events at the Thencanic's 16th anniversary celebrations. The Society's members and Normal/Model School staff made remarks (two staff members remain unidentified), and everyone enjoyed refreshments. Transcription included.

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