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Critic's Report, n.d. (ca. 1896)
Critic's Report, n.d. (ca. 1896) · Unidad documental simple · ca. 1896
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

A review of a meeting of the Thencanic Society by Harry R. Wilson. Although the report is not dated, Wilson was Thencanic Vice-President in 1897, so this likely dates to shortly before then. "Mr. Camp" is once again chided for his behavior, while "Mr. H. Lawrence" and "Mr. [Charles] Hewitt" receive some tongue-in-cheek remarks. Transcript attached.

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Critic's Report, 06 October 1893
Critic's Report, 06 October 1893 · Unidad documental simple · 06 October 1893
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

A partially fragmented critic's report by one Milton R. Eastlack. Though sections of both pages are lost, the message is mostly comprehensible. Eastlack discusses the Society's new meeting room, corrects the orators' grammatical and rhetorical errors, and offers commentary on the students' behavior. Transcription attached.

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Critic's Report, 15 October 1897
Critic's Report, 15 October 1897 · Unidad documental simple · 1897
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

A very brief report, notable for its passing mention of the "Hawaian question"--whether the United States should annex the Republic of Hawaii, which had acted as an effective U.S. client state since overthrowing the indigenous monarchy in 1893 (Hawaii would be annexed as a territory in 1898). Transcription included.

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