A fairly brief report, though one that still takes time to chide the members for not standing upright while orating, putting their feet on the desks, and eating candy during the meeting. Transcription included.
Thencanic Society (Model School (Trenton, N.J.))
3 results with digital objects
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Critic's Report, 01 December 1899
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection
Critic's Report, 12 January 1900
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection
Aside from the usual comments about the membership's behavior and their habit of putting their feet up, this critic's report also mentions a "Miss Thomas," presumably the instructor in whose room the Society met. Unfortunately, she remains unidentified. Transcription included.
Harrison, Isaac, 1882-1963
Thencanic Society Window Committee Reports and Receipt, February - June 1900
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection
This set of four documents details the history of the Thencanic memorial window, which sat in the "Chapel" of the Normal/Model Schools campus. Through Philadelphia glassmaker Alfred Godwin, the Society raised money from among its members and ex-members (nearly all of whom have been identified) to install a window celebrating philosophy and the Thencanic. The window cost $75.00, approximately $2,800 as of 2024. Transcriptions included.
Thencanic Society (Model School (Trenton, N.J.))