This program documents a production of "The Shoes that Danced," by the American poet and author Anna Hempstead Branch, put up by "The Laboratory Theatre" at the State Teachers College. The play, which was staged in 1935, would have been one of the earliest in Kendall Hall, which first opened in 1932. Like with the production of "Romeo and Juliet" a decade earlier, it appears that students, with teacher guidance, put together most aspects of the play. No transcription.
New Jersey State Teachers College at TrentonThis is the June 1911 Commencement program for the New Jersey State Normal School at Trenton. It contains the names of the graduates, as well as any presenters, including musical performances. The Commencement Exercises took place at 8 pm on June 21, 1911.
New Jersey State Normal School (Trenton, N.J.)This photo exists as both a print and as the original glass plate negative. The first page is a scan of the print, while the second is a direct scan of the negative. Both depict the a boy and his Dalmatian dog at the corner of Clinton Avenue and Monmouth Street. While the photographer remains unidentified, the negative was found with others attributed to John S. Neary, Sr., the school's business administrator and a photographer by hobby.
unknownThe Censor list the topics of upcoming debate: women's suffrage, the usefulness of French versus German, and the effects of theatre on public morals. The final question has been circled, likely indicating that it was the chosen topic. Transcription included.
Hewitt, Charles C. (Charles Conrad), Sr., 1881-1976The Censors offer the following topics for debate: restricting immigration laws, if world expositions are an economic benefit, and if the United States should nationalize the railroads. Transcription included.
Anderson, R. Earle (Robert Earle), 1881-1967The Censors offer as topics for debate: whether High School students may attend a reception, name-calling, and environmental protections for Niagara Falls. Transcription included.
Schultz, John A. (John Anistaki), 1880-1959The Censors offer the following topics for debate: the direct election of Senators, the role of the Army versus the Navy in winning the war with Spain, and whether History or Mathematics gives more practical knowledge. Transcription included.
Schultz, John A. (John Anistaki), 1880-1959The Censors offer as topics for debate: the modern Olympic Games, the annexation of Hawaii, and the quality of certain Ivy League schools versus certain British schools. Transcription included.
Katzenbach, Edward L. (Edward Lawrence), 1878-1934The Censors offer the following topics for debate: whether killing in self-defense deserves punishment, the state of the Model School versus the Normal School, and whether soda fountains should be closed on Sundays. Transcription included.
Rue, John D. (John Davison), Jr., 1882-1969The censors (one of whom cannot be precisely identified) lay out the topics of debate for an upcoming meeting: Russia's system of government, the benefits of party spirit, and the direct election of U.S. Senators. Transcription included.
Katzenbach, Edward L. (Edward Lawrence), 1878-1934