Mostrando 186 resultados

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"The Shoes that Danced" program 1935
"The Shoes that Danced" program 1935
PDF of the June 1911 Commencement program of the New Jersey State Normal School at Trenton.
Commencement Program, June
Boy and Dalmatian in front of Normal School Trenton (ca. 1890s)
Boy and Dalmatian in front of Normal School Trenton (ca. 1890s)
Censors' Report, 04 March 1898
Censors' Report, 04 March 1898
Censors' Report, 05 May 1899
Censors' Report, 05 May 1899
Censors' Report, 05 November 1897
Censors' Report, 05 November 1897
Censors' Report, 07 October 1898
Censors' Report, 07 October 1898
Censors' Report, 11 January 1895
Censors' Report, 11 January 1895
Censors' Report, 11 May 1900
Censors' Report, 11 May 1900
Censors' Report, 23 November 1894
Censors' Report, 23 November 1894