This small booklet unfolds to a long program detailing the staff and students involved in this production of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." Based on the credited names, Normal School students worked on nearly every aspect of the production, under the supervision of several teachers. No transcription.
New Jersey State Normal School (Trenton, N.J.)The circumstances surrounding this clearly satirical newspaper, and its relationship with The Signal, remain partly unknown. However, it probably relates to a student production of the comedy "Beggar on Horseback" by George Kaufman and Marc Connelly. The rather morbid cover story seems to be a riff on the events of the play, with students appearing under the names of the characters they played. Other "news" stories appear throughout, alongside "advertisements" with the names and members of school organizations, as well as illustrations. Several advertisements related to buying bonds to support the United States in World War Two also are present. No transcription.
unknownThis program documents a production of "The Shoes that Danced," by the American poet and author Anna Hempstead Branch, put up by "The Laboratory Theatre" at the State Teachers College. The play, which was staged in 1935, would have been one of the earliest in Kendall Hall, which first opened in 1932. Like with the production of "Romeo and Juliet" a decade earlier, it appears that students, with teacher guidance, put together most aspects of the play. No transcription.
New Jersey State Teachers College at TrentonAnnual yearbook of The New Jersey State Normal School. The name of New Jersey State Normal School (Trenton, N.J.) was changed in 1929 to State Teachers College and State Normal School at Trenton; in 1937 to New Jersey State Teachers College at Trenton; in 1958 to Trenton State College; in 1996 to The College of New Jersey (TCNJ).
This yearbook belonged to Edna Buck Van Sickle Budd was born in 1890 to Walter N. Van Sickle and Theresa Buck in Unionville, New York. Shortly after, the family moved to Wantage, New Jersey. She attended the New Jersey State Normal School in Trenton where she was president of the class of 1911, a member of Gamma Sigma literary society, and a member of the short-lived social club the “Sacred Nine.” She taught 6th grade in Chatham, New Jersey Schools for three years before marrying Merritt L. Budd (1887-1952) in 1914. After her children were born, she was active in their school’s Parent Teacher Association and a wide array of religious, civic, and history organizations. She also remained active in the Trenton State College, Gamma Sigma Nu alumni group. She died in 1982
New Jersey State Normal School (Trenton, N.J.)This is the June 1911 Commencement program for the New Jersey State Normal School at Trenton. It contains the names of the graduates, as well as any presenters, including musical performances. The Commencement Exercises took place at 8 pm on June 21, 1911.
New Jersey State Normal School (Trenton, N.J.)This single page leaflet marks the transition between the Normal and Model Schools in Trenton and the modern institution known as The College of New Jersey in Ewing. Aside from celebrating "Alumni Week-End" (the equivalent to today's homecoming, though held in the Spring), the celebrations marked the schools' 76th anniversary and the cornerstone-laying for the first building at Hillwood Lakes, Green Hall. No transcription.
New Jersey State Teachers College at TrentonThese two photographs, both from the same donor, depict groups of members of the Arguromuthos Sigma ("Argo") sorority in around 1941; only one photo is dated. The first shows the sisters at an outdoor picnic, while the second depicts the sorority in the drawing room of Allen Hall (the center portion of "ABE"). The two photos also include a largely incomplete list of names in each image, provided by the donor. No transcription.
unknownThis booklet most likely came from the same student as the other dance cards; this student was also a member of the Arguromathos Society and may have donated the photos from the same time period. This dance was billed as a "Star Dust Banquet," and unlike the other dance cards in this collection, it includes a menu/program of events. As with the related items, the booklet includes spaces to write dance partners' names--in this case, the only name recorded is "Robert Deakins." No transcription.
Arguromuthos Sorority (Trenton State College)This booklet most likely came from the same student as the other dance cards; this student was also a member of the Arguromathos Society and may have donated the photos from the same time period. Regardless, this dance, held at Trenton's prestigious Stacy-Trent Hotel, shows that despite the Normal School's relocation to Ewing, connections to Trenton remained for some time. As with the related items, this booklet includes spaces to write dance partners' names--in this case, the student danced with "Keith," "Don," "Fred," "George," "Armas," and "Charles." No transcription.
Arguromuthos Sorority (Trenton State College)This booklet most likely came from the same student as the other dance cards; this student was also a member of the Arguromathos Society and may have donated the photos from the same time period. Regardless, this dance was billed a "Winter Carnival." As with the related items, this booklet includes spaces to write dance partners' names--in this case, the student danced with "[Ruth] Carty and Jimmie Clark," "Jan and Les Hiat," and "Connie and Les Olsen." No transcription.
Arguromuthos Sorority (Trenton State College)