Transcription of Thencanic certificate to Samuel Wood, 18 September 1893
Transcription of Thencanic apology from N.D.S., n.d. (ca. 1890s?)
Transcription of Thencanic Society-NDS Debate Resolutions/Reports, February - December 1884
Transcription of Thencanic Society resolution, 15 January 1892
Transcription of Thencanic Society resolution on Prof. Scobey, 19 April 1887
Transcription of Thencanic Society resolution on Mock Senate, ca. January 1895
Transcription of Thencanic Society resolution on Dr. Steves, n.d.
Transcription of Thencanic Society resolution on Dr. Steves Portrait, 27 March 1895
Another resolution regarding a portrait of Thencanic Society supervisor Dr. Oliver P. Steves, this one dated. While it is possible that the two are connected, no decisive evidence links the two. This portrait has since been lost. Transcription included.
Thencanic Society (Model School (Trenton, N.J.))Transcription of Thencanic Society debate resolution, 07 June 1900