Candid photographs of students and faculty at Normal School, including many with Mildred Bard and her friends including Elizabeth Kendall and Anna Barnett, and students from Millville, New Jersey. Faculty pictured include: William Mumper, A. J. Dohner, Grace Wood, and Robert Leavitt.
Portraits of Mildred Bard, Partial photo album (disassembled) and photos of students and faculty at New Jersey State Normal School, Trenton.
Loose pages of candid photographs from annotated photo album created by Mildred Bard of students and faculty at New Jersey State Normal School at Trenton. Subjects include students posing in costume for "Japanese Tea", Senior Day June 1915, Maypole dance, roasting marshmallows, and skits about "The Mumpers." Faculty pictured include: Robert Leavitt, Levi Seeley, Frank Scobey, Ruby Lee Minar, Margaret Cochran Wagg, Minnie Eby, Emma Jane La Fetra, Lillie Williams, Susan Reilly, Grace Heward, Kate Stout. Students include Mildred Bard, Genevieve Tallman who was class president, Anna Barnett, Elizabeth Kendell, and members of Theta Phi and "The Fates."
Diplomas and Certificates received by Mildred Bard.
Portrait of Mildred Pepper posed with cake at exhibition of her paintings.
Class of 1915 alumni lists.
1915 New Jersey State Normal School at Trenton Diploma.
Portrait of Mildred Pepper and her paintings.
Gallery views of exhibition of Mildred Pepper's paintings.
Strip of four studio portrait photographs of Mildred Bard wearing suit, hat, and gloves.