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3 · Series · 1898-1901
Part of Clara Wolverton Papers

The financial materials include bills addressed to Clara's father Gabriel Wolverton for the use of books at New Jersey State Normal School for $1.00 per quarter, a receipt for class of 1901 dues, and receipts for a subscription to the Signal.

4 · Series · 1895-1922
Part of Clara Wolverton Papers

This series contains a wide range of materials from her high school through professional years. From Trenton High School, there are tickets and programs for graduation exercises which contain lists of names of graduating students. From State Normal School, there are Matriculation (enrollment) cards, performance programs, and graduation event materials starting in 1898 until 1901. Of particular note are hand-written song lyrics to "Farewell to State Schools'' and "Seniors" sung to the tune of Yankee Doodle, as well as printed songs for holidays and February Class of 1901. From Wolverton’s early teaching years, there are event programs from her school, social, and possibly church activities. In addition, there are some personal items including a business card for her brother G. Wolverton Jr. at Prudential LIfe Insurance Company, a Pennsylvania Railroad Company Photographic Monthly Commutation ticket from 1929 when she may have still been a student at University of Pennsylvania, Red Cross membership certificates during WWI, and Botanical Society of Pennsylvania meeting programs and studies from the early 1920s. It is unknown if Clara Wolverton attended these programs for pleasure or part of her continued education to become a science teacher.

Wolverton, Clara, 1879-1964