This small booklet unfolds to a long program detailing the staff and students involved in this production of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." Based on the credited names, Normal School students worked on nearly every aspect of the production, under the supervision of several teachers. No transcription.
New Jersey State Normal School (Trenton, N.J.)The circumstances surrounding this clearly satirical newspaper, and its relationship with The Signal, remain partly unknown. However, it probably relates to a student production of the comedy "Beggar on Horseback" by George Kaufman and Marc Connelly. The rather morbid cover story seems to be a riff on the events of the play, with students appearing under the names of the characters they played. Other "news" stories appear throughout, alongside "advertisements" with the names and members of school organizations, as well as illustrations. Several advertisements related to buying bonds to support the United States in World War Two also are present. No transcription.
unknownThis program documents a production of "The Shoes that Danced," by the American poet and author Anna Hempstead Branch, put up by "The Laboratory Theatre" at the State Teachers College. The play, which was staged in 1935, would have been one of the earliest in Kendall Hall, which first opened in 1932. Like with the production of "Romeo and Juliet" a decade earlier, it appears that students, with teacher guidance, put together most aspects of the play. No transcription.
New Jersey State Teachers College at TrentonTicket for Complimentary Concert at Auditorium of the State Schools.
This photo album contains images of the activities of the Gamma Sigma sorority at the New Jersey State Normal School, some notations were made later by members of Gamma Sigma Nu.
Bush, Louise E. Woodruff, 1887-1963Informal baby picture of nine-month-old June E. Wolverton, Wolverton’s great-niece (child of Austin Wolverton).
Grade cards for Lulu Clough Haskell from University of Pennsylvania, School of Education.
Recommendation letter for Lulu Clough from Levi Seeley, Professor of Pedagogy at New Jersey State Normal School in Trenton.
The handwritten diary of Mary Jane Sergeant (Larison) contains a series of journal entries from 1855-1856 describing her experiences and studies while attending the New Jersey State Normal School in Trenton, New Jersey. The diary encompasses the first term of the Normal School and provides a glimpse into the earliest days of its opening years, highlighting the variety of subjects studied including Latin, arithmetic, climatology and cartography and reflecting theory and practice in teachers' colleges in the mid-19th century. Some entries in the latter half of the diary appear out of chronological order. The diary makes mention of the laying of the cornerstone of the first permanent building at the Normal School, the first Principal Willian Phelps, as well as several instructional texts for teachers' education of the period.
Larison, Mary Jane Sergeant, 1837-19171875 New Jersey State Normal School Commencement program.