Article describing the Class of June 1900 Class Day exercises at the Normal School.
Publication and specific date unknown.
Article about a reception given by the June Class of 1901 for the February Class of 1901 in the gymnasium of the Normal School.
Handwritten citation reads "Trenton Sunday Advertiser, Dec. 16, 1900"
There are 2 brass name stencils for S. E. Wolverton and S. C. Wolverton. These stencils likely pre-date Clara Wolverton, (possibly mid-19th century on), and their original owner is unknown, though her mother’s married initials start with S. C..
Sans titreMarriage announcement and article on wedding of Jennie B. Ivins and John L. Christie in Trenton.
Date and publication unknown, likely Trenton.
Article on Class Day exercises for Class of February 1901 held in the auditorium of the Normal School.
(Publication information unknown)
Engagement announcement of Ida Fisher, teacher at Cadwalader School, and Edward T. Comly in Trenton.
Date and publication unknown, likely Trenton.
Content warning: The illustration and description of the mural (in Box 1, Folder 3) include inaccurate, derogatory, and/or offensive depictions of people indigenous to the area.
The Mildred Duncan Warnecke Collection predominately contains student group photographs, photo albums depicting family life, sports and leisure activities, rural scenes, and Normal School students; newsletters and student activities of the class of 1907, and reunion materials related to Gamma Sigma Nu. The collection also contains copies of The Seal yearbook and The Signal newspaper. It is unclear how Warnecke came to acquire the photo albums created by Louise Woodruff Bush, although Bush was an older Gamma Sigma Nu member, and Warnecke was very active in the sorority, attending the annual reunions. The collection spans 1906-2000, with most of the materials falling between 1906-1969.
Sans titreThis photograph shows the attendees of the Class of 1911's 46th Reunion of the New Jersey State Teachers College at Trenton North Jersey Alumni Association.
This photo album contains images of the activities of the Gamma Sigma sorority at the New Jersey State Normal School, some notations were made later by members of Gamma Sigma Nu.
Sans titreCourse listings for New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark.