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TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection
TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection
William H. Phelps, Normal School Principal to the Judges of the Court of Errors and Appeals, 1857
William H. Phelps, Normal School Principal to the Judges of the Court of Errors and Appeals, 1857
Model School tuition receipts, ca. 1862 and 1902-1903
Model School tuition receipts, ca. 1862 and 1902-1903
Normal and Model Schools "Expenses Reduced!" brochure, c. 1878
Normal and Model Schools "Expenses Reduced!" brochure, c. 1878
Normal School commencement program, 1878
Normal School commencement program, 1878
Model School commencement invitation (1878) and booklet (1880)
Model School commencement invitation (1878) and booklet (1880)
Normal School Commencement program, 1879
Normal School Commencement program, 1879
Normal and Model Schools colorized side view (ca. 1880s)
Normal and Model Schools colorized side view (ca. 1880s)
Transcription of Thencanic Society resolution on Dr. Steves, n.d.
Transcription of Thencanic Society resolution on Dr. Steves, n.d.
Normal School Commencement program, 1880
Normal School Commencement program, 1880