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TFPL001 · Collection · ca. 1857 - 2024

Content Warning: The items in this collection may contain racist and harmful depictions of marginalized groups, sexist or misogynistic language, and xenophobic attitudes and opinions.

The collection consists of 10 boxes, one oversized folder and 4 rolled maps. The material is divided into 11 series as described below. The core of this collection provides information about the history of the Trenton Normal School from its founding in 1855, its move to Ewing and transition to New Jersey State Teachers College at Trenton (1937). It also provides some
information on its successor institutions from the 1930s to 2023. The collection also includes information about the Model School, especially highlighting achievements of the older students in publications including The Signal and records of the Thencanic Society, and scrapbooks kept by Grace Bromwell Fletcher, Class of 1907 and Emma R. Kerns Crofton, Class of 1916. There is also some information about alumni activities found in the form of event programs (1900s-1950s, 1980-1996) and the publication Accent and Alumni Review (1987-1996).

New Jersey State Normal School (Trenton, N.J.)
The Assembly in the Teachers College, by A Faculty Committee on Assembly Programs · Item · March 1931
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

Number One of the series "Trenton Studies in Education," published by the State Teachers College. An analysis of history, evaluation and justification for the tradition of daily assembly, known in some schools as Chapel.

Bray, Mabel E. (Mabel Evelyn), 1878-1979

This series is divided according to the publications' origins, and includes the following sub-series:
The Signal and State Signal - Includes some issues of The Signal and its successor publication the State Signal, a student publication established in 1885 that continues to be published today. The Signal began as a literary magazine created by students of both the Normal School and the Model School. In addition to poems and short stories, it reported general news about the schools (athletics, courses, cultural activities, etc.), and information about faculty, graduating
seniors and alumni as well as providing editorials. Of particular interest is the May-June 1917 issue which includes a history of (p. 193) and a farewell to (p. 195) the Model School which closed in 1917. After a lapse of 10 years, the publication returned in the fall of 1929 as a student newspaper providing full coverage of campus activities. This collection includes scattered issues of The Signal from 1885 to 1919, and some issues of the State Signal from 1933 to 1975. Issues from 1933 document the school’s move from Trenton to the new Hillwood Lakes campus (Ewing), and the 1955 issue documents the centennial celebration of the Normal School.

Student Handbooks - The Student Handbook (1938-1939; 1939-1940) was published by the Student Executive Board and provides information about academics, social groups, athletics, and general policies. A Hand Book for the Women’s Athletic Association (1939-1940) provides information about women’s intramural and school sports activities.

Bonner Scholar Publications - There are a few issues of a publication from TCNJ’s Bonner Scholars. The Wall (2017-2018), which became Street Light (2018, 2023), features stories about homelessness in Trenton.

Miscellaneous Student publications - This sub-series includes a booklet of two plays written in 1921 by the Normal School’s History and English classes; a 1942 satirical student newspaper; a 1960 literary magazine and a photographic essay about Front & Warren Streets in Trenton (ca. 2000s).

Miscellaneous Faculty Writings - Included is Geography of New Jersey, by State Teachers College President Roscoe L. West and former Head of Geography Department, Ella Huntington, 1938, and two papers on women in politics given by Trenton State College faculty members Allen H. Merriam (Indira Gandhi: Prime Minister) and Marian B. McLeod (Bernadette Devlin: Irish Political Heroine) as part of a conference titled Women in Politics: Studies in Role and Status, 1974.

Outside Publications – This includes a variety of booklets and pamphlets and press clippings written by sources outside the school that discuss aspects of the institution. Of particular interest are issues of the Education Bulletin published by the New Jersey State Board of Education, 1915-1919, 1948 and Curricula and Entrance Requirements of the State Teachers Colleges and State Normal Schools, 1929, published by the State Department of Public Instruction.

Time the Great Teacher: A History of One Hundred Years of the New Jersey State Teachers College at Trenton, 1855-1955, by Rachel M. Jarrod and Glenn E. Fromm · Item · 1955
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

A history of the State Teachers College, written for the centennial of its founding in 1955. Inscribed by the authors on the title page.

“The Mural Painting in the Library of State Teachers College, Trenton, New Jersey” · Item · ca. 1934
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

A history of the mural "The Peace Council of New Jersey and the Indians, 1758," by Richard Blossom Farley (1910), which is currently displayed in the Roscoe West Library.

Content warning: the illustration and description of the mural include inaccurate, derogatory, and/or offensive depictions of people indigenous to the area.

Iona Fackler Myers, Trenton State College class of 1937, to Erna S. Hoover, Chairman of the Trenton State College Board of Trustees, 1986 · Item · 09/06/1986
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

Myers complains about attempts to rename Trenton State College, copying Trenton Mayor Arthur Holland and others. Holland's reply, a boilerplate "thank you," is included but was not scanned.

Myers, Iona J. Fackler, 1914-1996
Sarah A. Dynes, Normal School Dept. of History, to Adam J. Strohm, Librarian, Trenton Free Public Library, 1904 · Item · 02/06/1904
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

One letter, regarding books of interest to Dynes. She reports that her students “enthuse over the courteous and helpful treatment they receive” from the library staff.

605 Monmouth St.
Trenton N.J. Feb. 8 1904
Mr. Adam J. Strohm, Librarian
of Trenton Free Public Library
Dear Sir:
Your favor of February fifth just received. I am very greatly obliged to you for the trouble you have taken to secure the books recommended. You are quite right in regard to [George] Kitchin. It was his “History of France” [] that I suggested. With this I inclose card as suggested with correct title, but am not sure whether the author’s initials are H.M. or or [sic] not. I am familiar with H. Morse Stephens’s The French Revolution [] and his Orators of the Revolution [], and I imagine that he is the author of the work on the card [no longer extant] but cannot remember.
May I take this opportunity of expressing my very great appreciation of the work being done by you, and your corps of assistants? I cannot express in words how much the library has increased the value of the work I am trying to do, and added to the material aid is the object lesson daily shown in courtesy and sympathetic assistance to young people who are very crude and often trying. I am constantly hearing students enthuse over the courteous and helpful treatment they receive. It is certainly most gratifying to have the library so efficiently managed and we are anxious to show our appreciation of the work.
Respectfully yours,
Sarah A. Dynes
Dept. of History State Normal