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The photograph shows students and faculty sitting and standing on the steps of the school. The faculty are standing in the back row.
Normal School Class Photograph Class of February 1892
Portrait of Clara Wolverton
Clara Wolverton Papers
Critic's Report, 04 November 1892
Critic's Report, 04 November 1892
Transcript of Critic's Report, 04 November 1892
Transcript of Critic's Report, 04 November 1892
Critic's Report, 16 December 1892
Critic's Report, 16 December 1892
Transcription of Thencanic Society resolution, 15 January 1892
Transcription of Thencanic Society resolution, 15 January 1892
Clara Wolverton’s “Grades Book” is a handwritten notebook.
Grades Book, 1892-1901
Critic's Report, 01 October 1892
Critic's Report, 01 October 1892
Transcript of Critic's Report, 01 October 1892
Transcript of Critic's Report, 01 October 1892
Transcript of Critic's Report, 16 December, 1892
Transcript of Critic's Report, 16 December, 1892