Bills and receipts addressed to Clara's father Gabriel Wolverton for the use of books at New Jersey State Normal School for $1.00 per quarter.
New Jersey State Normal School (Trenton, N.J.)These are various blank forms for the observation of school children, likely from student teaching or Normal School class work.
Columbia University Teachers College grade card for Lulu Haskell.
Program for Temple University Teachers College Sixth Annual Banquet and Reunion, held at Mitten Hall Auditorium.
Clippings about Lulu Haskell when she was elected president of chapter of unknown organization, and her role as staff member for Camp Fire Girls' Camp Lenape.
Certificates of Merit for punctual and regular attendance, correct deportment, and diligent attention to study from Dorothea L. Dix Primary School to Lulu Clough
Portrait of Mildred Pepper posed with cake at exhibition of her paintings.
Contains ephemera related to Commencement such as invitations, tickets, and programs for Senior class activities and the Commencement ceremony from the era of the Normal School from c. 1873 to 1921.
New Jersey State Normal School (Trenton, N.J.)Normal School January 1897 Commencement ticket.
1912 Normal School Class Day program.