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2021 TCNJ Commencement program
2021 TCNJ Commencement program
Clara Wolverton’s “Grades Book” is a handwritten notebook.
Grades Book, 1892-1901
State Normal School Matriculation Card
State Normal School Matriculation Card
Handwritten song lyrics or poem
Handwritten song lyrics or poem
Article about reception given by the February Class of 1901 for the June Class of 1901 in the gym of the Normal School.
Publication unknown, handwritten date reads "June 15, 1900."
Article on Class of 1901 reception
American Red Cross, Trenton Chapter, Certificate of Membership 1917-1918
American Red Cross, Trenton Chapter, Certificate of Membership
Sharp - Bowers wedding announcement
Sharp - Bowers wedding announcement
1911 Class Day program
Class Day program
Letter from Magdalena Houlroyd on Duke University greeting card.
Letter from Magdalena Houlroyd
Certificate of Merit from Dorothea Lynde Dix Grammar School to Lulu Clough.
Certificate of Merit from Dorothea Lynde Dix Grammar School