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5 · Series · no date
Part of Lulu Bell Clough Haskell Papers

The Prints Series includes four etchings or reproductions of St. Petersburg Florida churches inscribed: “for Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilhelm” by Will Kay Hagerman (Kent Hagerman). These items are not scanned.

TCNJ003 · Collection · 1913-1980 (bulk 1913-1915)

The bulk of the collection pertains to Mildred’s time at the New Jersey State Normal School at Trenton from 1913-1915. Of special note is her diary, which begins with a daily account of camping in Shawmont, Pennsylvania (now Roxborough, Northwest Philadelphia) before going off to Normal where she writes of her classroom and social activities. Her copy of the Seal yearbook is heavily signed and annotated with alumni information up to 1980. Her photograph collection documents students in their everyday lives on campus including in their dorm rooms, wearing gym uniforms, performing a Japanese Tea ceremony, and a possible inside joke of her and her friends enacting characters based on their teacher William N. Mumper (the yearbook is inscribed to indicate “Mumpers” characters). There also are several photographs of faculty members (before they were pictured in the yearbooks).

There are some additional materials from the late 1970s including Normal School alumni lists and photographs of her paintings from her post-retirement career as an artist.

Pepper, Mildred Bard Charlesworth, 1895-1985
3 · Item · 1913-1915
Part of Mildred Bard Charlesworth Pepper Papers

Loose pages of candid photographs from annotated photo album created by Mildred Bard of students and faculty at New Jersey State Normal School at Trenton. Subjects include students posing in costume for "Japanese Tea", Senior Day June 1915, Maypole dance, roasting marshmallows, and skits about "The Mumpers." Faculty pictured include: Robert Leavitt, Levi Seeley, Frank Scobey, Ruby Lee Minar, Margaret Cochran Wagg, Minnie Eby, Emma Jane La Fetra, Lillie Williams, Susan Reilly, Grace Heward, Kate Stout. Students include Mildred Bard, Genevieve Tallman who was class president, Anna Barnett, Elizabeth Kendell, and members of Theta Phi and "The Fates."

Diary of Ida Totten Hunt

It is not known whether or not, or where, Ida Totten might have attended a Normal School or received teacher training, but in the fall term of 1883, she began a diary to record her first experience of teaching in Greenville (now called Greendell) School, in Sussex County. She described her frustrations with named children in her class and the challenges of disciplining them, as well as her activities at home on the weekends including attending temperance meetings and church. The final pages of the diary are from May 1884 and contain notes from Page’s Theory and Practice of Teaching, so perhaps she was continuing her teaching education, or had not yet graduated (if she did).
Some of the names mentioned in the diary include: Catherine or Kate Ayers Rutan, Sarah Grace Batley Coleman, Louis Berry, Elsie F. Howell, Abraham or Abram Hubert, Rosie Kinney, Irving Labar, Anna or Annie Longcor, Cora Longcor, Daniel Longcor, William K. Longcor, Stella R. Morris Emmans, Mr. and Mrs. Redding, J. Stackhouse, Annie Stackhouse, Benton Stackhouse, Cassius Stackhouse, Albert Stang, Anson Stang, William Stang, Dr. Sidney Brian Straley, Benjamin Totten, and Jacob or Jake Wolf.

Hunt, Ida Totten, 1861-1907
1 · Folder · 1855 - 1856
Part of New Jersey State Normal School Diaries Collection

The handwritten diary of Mary Jane Sergeant (Larison) contains a series of journal entries from 1855-1856 describing her experiences and studies while attending the New Jersey State Normal School in Trenton, New Jersey. The diary encompasses the first term of the Normal School and provides a glimpse into the earliest days of its opening years, highlighting the variety of subjects studied including Latin, arithmetic, climatology and cartography and reflecting theory and practice in teachers' colleges in the mid-19th century. Some entries in the latter half of the diary appear out of chronological order. The diary makes mention of the laying of the cornerstone of the first permanent building at the Normal School, the first Principal Willian Phelps, as well as several instructional texts for teachers' education of the period.

Larison, Mary Jane Sergeant, 1837-1917

Transcript of diary of Ida Totten Hunt, transcribed by Allison Belcher in 2024.
It is not known whether or not, or where, Ida Totten might have attended a Normal School or received teacher training, but in the fall term of 1883, she began a diary to record her first experience of teaching in Greenville (now called Greendell) School, in Sussex County. She described her frustrations with named children in her class and the challenges of disciplining them, as well as her activities at home on the weekends including attending temperance meetings and church. The final pages of the diary are from May 1884 and contain notes from Page’s Theory and Practice of Teaching, so perhaps she was continuing her teaching education, or had not yet graduated (if she did).
Some of the names mentioned in the diary include: Catherine or Kate Ayers Rutan, Sarah Grace Batley Coleman, Louis Berry, Elsie F. Howell, Abraham or Abram Hubert, Rosie Kinney, Irving Labar, Anna or Annie Longcor, Cora Longcor, Daniel Longcor, William K. Longcor, Stella R. Morris Emmans, Mr. and Mrs. Redding, J. Stackhouse, Annie Stackhouse, Benton Stackhouse, Cassius Stackhouse, Albert Stang, Anson Stang, William Stang, Dr. Sidney Brian Straley, Benjamin Totten, and Jacob or Jake Wolf.