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Dance Cards

This folder contains "dance cards," small booklets given out at school dances that include spaces to write the names of dancing partners. All of them date to the early 1940s. About half represent class formals, including junior proms and senior balls. The other items come from dances hosted by the Arguromuthos Sigma ("Argo") sorority.

Arguromuthos Sigma dance card booklet, 1940
Arguromuthos Sigma dance card booklet, 1940 · Item · 1940
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This booklet most likely came from the same student as the other dance cards; this student was also a member of the Arguromathos Society and may have donated the photos from the same time period. Regardless, this dance, held at Trenton's prestigious Stacy-Trent Hotel, shows that despite the Normal School's relocation to Ewing, connections to Trenton remained for some time. As with the related items, this booklet includes spaces to write dance partners' names--in this case, the student danced with "Keith," "Don," "Fred," "George," "Armas," and "Charles." No transcription.

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Model School Boys' Class of 1900, with names
Model School Boys' Class of 1900, with names · Item · ca. 1900
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This photograph, perhaps an official class picture, depicts the "Model 1900" boys class and their teacher in a classroom. A list identifying each person has been affixed to the back. While not all of the figures can be conclusively identified, educated guesses provide likely candidates for all but two of the students.

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Normal and Model Schools, Trenton, by John S. Neary (ca. 1900) · Item · ca. 1900?
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

A photo of the Normal and Model Schools, Trenton, taken from across Clinton Avenue at its corner with Model Avenue. This image is scanned from its glass negative, which was originally held in an envelope that attributed the photograph to Normal and Model Schools business administrator John S. Neary, Sr.

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