A humorous summary of the Thencanic's meeting, which included a game of football, name-calling based in U.S. monetary policy, and demonstrations on "how to make love." Transcription included.
Thencanic Society (Model School (Trenton, N.J.))This booklet from the 1903 Model School commencement includes lists of graduating students, their home towns, and their area of study. It also contains the list of commencement exercises. Of some note is the mention of an essay given by honor student Charlotta Miller on the Black poet and author Paul Lawrence Dunbar, which has unfortunately not survived. The student roster also includes several surnames that appear in other classes from around this period, namely Britton, De Cou, and Bosworth; these students may be siblings of those sharing their name. Some students from the Class of 1904 also appear. No transcription.
New Jersey State Normal School (Trenton, N.J.)This booklet outlines the events of one of the Thencanic Society's "entertainments." The main item was Howard Hanson's farce-comedy "An Equilateral Triangle," the text of which does not survive. It does, however, include the names (or at least the first two initials) of the participating members, as well as their class years. No transcription, as the booklet is typed.
Thencanic Society (Model School (Trenton, N.J.))At the end of the 1904-1905 academic year, the Thencanic Society held a reunion banquet for its members and alumni, the product of which was this booklet. The event included a number of speeches by past Thencanic Presidents (and James M. Green). Perhaps most importantly, the booklet elaborates the names of the Thencanic's presidents through the February 1905 term. A partial transcription, covering only the autographs, is included.
A note: Trentoniana owns two copies of this booklet, which are identical aside from the autographs section. The first three pages of the attached PDF cover the entirety of the first copy, while the final page is the only unique part of the second.
Thencanic Society (Model School (Trenton, N.J.))