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Thencanic Seating Committee report and chart, 31 March 1899 · Stuk · 1899
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

Perhaps in response to the membership's rowdy behavior, the Thencanic Society established a committee of three students to assign seats for each member. Following a brief report, a chart includes the names of all of the Society's members at this time. Transcription included.

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Thencanic Mock House of Representatives Journal, January - April 1897 · Stuk · 1897
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

John A. Schultz, Thencanic Secretary, kept this journal of the group's mock legislature for the first months of 1897. In addition to describing the events of and bills introduced at each session of the legislature, he lists each committee, their members, and the state each member represented. Transcription included.

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Thencanic Reunion Booklets, 16 June 1905 · Stuk · 1905
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

At the end of the 1904-1905 academic year, the Thencanic Society held a reunion banquet for its members and alumni, the product of which was this booklet. The event included a number of speeches by past Thencanic Presidents (and James M. Green). Perhaps most importantly, the booklet elaborates the names of the Thencanic's presidents through the February 1905 term. A partial transcription, covering only the autographs, is included.

A note: Trentoniana owns two copies of this booklet, which are identical aside from the autographs section. The first three pages of the attached PDF cover the entirety of the first copy, while the final page is the only unique part of the second.

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Thencanic Society Window Committee Reports and Receipt, February - June 1900 · Stuk · 1900
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This set of four documents details the history of the Thencanic memorial window, which sat in the "Chapel" of the Normal/Model Schools campus. Through Philadelphia glassmaker Alfred Godwin, the Society raised money from among its members and ex-members (nearly all of whom have been identified) to install a window celebrating philosophy and the Thencanic. The window cost $75.00, approximately $2,800 as of 2024. Transcriptions included.

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Thencanic letter from Carl Rickey, 30 October 1896 · Stuk · 1896
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

From his dormitory at Princeton University, Thencanic alumnus Carl H. Rickey thanks the Society for inviting him to their anniversary celebration and apologizes for being unable to attend. As some compensation for his absence, Rickey provides some advice for the group's current membership. Transcription included.

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