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Model School - Thencanic Society

Content Warning: This series contains racist, sexist, and chauvinistic topics, as well as jingoist rhetoric in support of the Spanish-American War and US imperialism. Generally juvenile language also appears throughout.

The Thencanic Society was a debating society founded in October of 1882 by 18 members of the Boy’s Department of the State Model School. The purpose of the society was to “develop a correct mode of speaking, to qualify its members by practice to express their opinions in public, and to become better acquainted with the laws governing deliberative assemblies.” To this end, they held debates, mock legislatures and other activities. The records of the society include a list of officers (1882-1899), Critic’s Reports (1892-1900), records of mock legislatures (1887-1897), correspondence (1882-1900) and others as listed below. Despite its lofty goals, the Thencanic Society was made up of teenage boys, and the records of the Society sometimes reflect a tongue-in-cheek attitude, especially in the Critic’s Reports that often admonish members for their rowdy and/or eccentric behavior.

Thencanic letter from Benjamin Messler, 25 October 1899
Thencanic letter from Benjamin Messler, 25 October 1899 · Item · 1899
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

Benjamin Messler, a recent alumnus of the Model School, extends his gratitude to the Thencanic Society for electing him an Honorary Member. He name-drops several notable military and political figures of the time who have also received this honor: the U.S. Navy commanders Charles Sigsbee, W. S. Schley, and George Dewey, all heroes of the Spanish-American War, as well as the Qing Dynasty statesman Li Hongzhang. For an unknown reason, the text of this letter is identical to the one sent by R. Earle Anderson on the same date (see related materials). Transcription included.

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Thencanic letter from Capt. Charles Sigbee, 28 April 1898
Thencanic letter from Capt. Charles Sigbee, 28 April 1898 · Item · 1898
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

Captain Charles Sigsbee, commander of the U.S.S. Maine at the time of its explosion in Havana Harbor in February 1898, thanks the Thencanic Society for electing him an honorary member. The Thencanic admitted to the membership several notable figures from the Spanish-American War. Transcription included.

Thencanic letter from Charles C. Hewitt, 27 October 1899
Thencanic letter from Charles C. Hewitt, 27 October 1899 · Item · 1899
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

Charles C. Hewitt, at this point a student at Lehigh University, writes the Thencanic Society thanking them for electing him an honorary member. He also discusses the "Forum," Lehigh's debating society, and how it compares to the Thencanic. Finally, he gives the current membership several items of advice, from never refusing a challenge from the Normal Debating Society to avoiding a "swelled head." Transcription included.

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Thencanic letter from Robert Whitehead, 27 October 1899
Thencanic letter from Robert Whitehead, 27 October 1899 · Item · 1899
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

Robert V. Whitehead, the first President of the Thencanic Society, thanks the current membership for electing him an honorary member. Ahead of the Society's 17th anniversary celebrations, he also offers his warm feelings and best wishes toward the group. Transcription included.

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Thencanic letter from Foster M. Voorhees, 08 October 1898
Thencanic letter from Foster M. Voorhees, 08 October 1898 · Item · 1898
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

Foster M. Voorhees, New Jersey State Senator for Union County and at this moment acting Governor (and later elected Governor from 1899-1902), thanks the Thencanic for electing him an honorary member. No transcription, as the document is typed.

Thencanic letter from William Bamford, 16 May 1898
Thencanic letter from William Bamford, 16 May 1898 · Item · 1898
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

William Bamford, Model School Class of 1896, included this letter with his book of Thencanic Society officers from 1882 to 1896. In it he explains his process of creating the work and why he assembled it. It provides important contextual information on this essential document. Transcription included.

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The Modellian [Model School Yearbook], 1915
The Modellian [Model School Yearbook], 1915 · Item · 1915
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

Content warning: This yearbook uses a swastika motif as a border for its pages. Although the book dates to the period when this symbol was in fashion in the West and before its adoption by the Nazi Party, it nevertheless appears prominently throughout the work.

This yearbook for the Model Class of 1915, one of the last before the school's closure in 1917, is one of the few known extant Model School yearbooks. Aside from the normal items in a yearbook--class photos, a list of officers, a class history--this volume includes an account of the "Class Horse" and advertisements for Trenton area businesses. A partial transcript of the annotations by the original owner is included.

Please note that one corner of page is torn, affecting Isabel Clark's photograph and part of Hortense Daily's biography.

The method by which this booklet was printed, particularly the photographs, means that scanning does not accurately capture the images. Furthermore, the size of this PDF file has been reduced for uploading. A full-sized version of the scanned booklet is available by request of Trentoniana.