Content Warning: This series contains racist, sexist, and chauvinistic topics, as well as jingoist rhetoric in support of the Spanish-American War and US imperialism. Generally juvenile language also appears throughout.
The Thencanic Society was a debating society founded in October of 1882 by 18 members of the Boy’s Department of the State Model School. The purpose of the society was to “develop a correct mode of speaking, to qualify its members by practice to express their opinions in public, and to become better acquainted with the laws governing deliberative assemblies.” To this end, they held debates, mock legislatures and other activities. The records of the society include a list of officers (1882-1899), Critic’s Reports (1892-1900), records of mock legislatures (1887-1897), correspondence (1882-1900) and others as listed below. Despite its lofty goals, the Thencanic Society was made up of teenage boys, and the records of the Society sometimes reflect a tongue-in-cheek attitude, especially in the Critic’s Reports that often admonish members for their rowdy and/or eccentric behavior.