Mostrando 14 resultados

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Gamma Sigma photo album
Gamma Sigma photo album
1911 Class Day program
Class Day program
Edna Van Sickle Budd's 1911 The Seal yearbook
1911 The Seal yearbook (Edna Van Sickle Budd's)
PDF of the June 1911 Commencement program of the New Jersey State Normal School at Trenton.
Commencement Program, June
Gamma Sigma photo album 1906-1909
Gamma Sigma photo album 1906-1909
Gamma Sigma group portrait.
Gamma Sigma group portrait
Gamma Sigma group portrait.
Gamma Sigma group portrait
Portrait of Clara Wolverton
Clara Wolverton Papers
Portrait of Mildred Bard from 1915 The Seal yearbook.
Mildred Bard Charlesworth Pepper Papers
Portrait of Lulu Clough from 1915 The Seal yearbook.
Lulu Bell Clough Haskell Papers