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Grades Book, 1892-1901
Grades Book, 1892-1901
Normal School performance and commencement programs and tickets
Normal School performance and commencement programs and tickets
Haledon School No. 2 and Cedar Cliff Church performance and commencement programs and tickets
Haledon School No. 2 and Cedar Cliff Church performance and commencement programs and tickets
Portraits of Clara Wolverton, and baby June E. Wolverton
Portraits of Clara Wolverton, and baby June E. Wolverton
Class of 1911, 46th Reunion of North Jersey Alumni Association
Class of 1911, 46th Reunion of North Jersey Alumni Association
Gamma Sigma photo album
Gamma Sigma photo album
Pamphlet of New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark, Courses of Unusual Interest
New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark, Courses of Unusual Interest
Pamphlet on Richard Blossom Farley Mural in West Library
Richard Blossom Farley Mural in West Library pamphlet
Gamma Sigma Nu, Reunion booklets
Gamma Sigma Nu, Reunion booklets
Gamma Sigma group portrait.
Gamma Sigma group portrait