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Cyanotype photograph of Normal School students posed in a fanned out position outside of school building.
Mildred Duncan Warnecke Collection
Normal School Commencement program, 1879
Normal School Commencement program, 1879
Model School Commencement program, 1903
Model School Commencement program, 1903
Thanksgiving Festival booklet 1917
Thanksgiving Festival booklet 1917
Swarthmore-Normal School debate booklet 1918
Swarthmore-Normal School debate booklet 1918
Arguromuthos Sigma dance card booklet, 1941
Arguromuthos Sigma dance card booklet, 1941
Thencanic "An Equilateral Triangle" booklet, 16 February 1901
Thencanic "An Equilateral Triangle" booklet, 16 February 1901
Alumni Weekend Leaflet, 76th Anniversary of the State Schools and cornerstone laying of Green Hall, 1931
Alumni Weekend Leaflet, 76th Anniversary of the State Schools and cornerstone laying of Green Hall, 1931
Portrait of Clara Wolverton
Clara Wolverton Papers
Detail of illustration of lion from February 1901 Commencement program.
Commencement Collection