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1916 · Folder · 1916
Part of Pedagese

The Pedagese was a student-run quarterly periodical published by the Pupils of the New Jersey State Normal School at Newark, N.J., between 1914 and 1916.

New Jersey State Normal School at Newark
Pedagese periodical
December · Item · December 1914
Part of Pedagese

The first page includes a photomechanical picture of W. Spader Willis, Principal of the Newark State Normal School.

This Christmas Number includes Literature, School News, Athletics, and Practice Notes.

The Literary essays, play, and poems were written by student contributor's Sallie Robinson, Alice W. Holland, Pauline Glassman, and Gertrude A. Kennaly.

School News included the following headings: Teaching of Science, Our New Teachers, The Reciatal, History Repeats Itself, Our Hallow E’en Pary, Chapel Chimes, The Country School, Social Government News, Normal Nuggets, and A Tribute.

Athletics headings include School Spirit, Normal A.A., Basketball, Junior B. vs Junior A., Synopsis of Game, and Athletics in the School Curriculum.

Practice Notes include short examples of student work and dialogue.

There are four pages of local advertisements.

New Jersey State Normal School at Newark
Pedagese periodical
March · Item · 1915
Part of Pedagese

Volume II, No. 2. (there is no Volume II, No. 1 in the collection). No publication date, but the latest date mentioned was March 5. The Annual Subscription costs 50 cents. The editor-in-chief was Helen J. Mac Caskie.

The table of contents calls this issue the Mother Goose Number and lists Literature, School News, Athletics, Practice Notes, and Our Mother Goose.

The following people contributed: Associate Editor: Pauline Glassman; Business Managers: Ruth Landesman and Albin Frey; Circulation Managers: Jennie Rogers, George Whyte; Literature: Mildred Versoy, Isabelle Folsome, Adelaide Scarlet, and Georgianna Seaman; School News: Sadie Lipson, Julia Timer, and Ruth Meyer; Practice Notes: Blanche Maybaum, Mary L. Masterns, and Gertrude Ernst; Athletics: Gertrude Kennaly.

There are six pages of local advertisements.

New Jersey State Normal School at Newark
Pedagese periodical
May · 1916
Part of Pedagese

Volume III, No. 2, Anniversary Number, May 1916. The annual subscription costs 50 cents, single copies twenty cents. The Editor-in-Chief is Julia Timer, the Associate Editor is Eleanor Cobb.

There is no table of contents. The following people contributed: General Manager: Syd Lasser; Literature: Harriet Gregory (Chairman), Rae Steiger, and Gertrude Kraemer; Among Ourselves: Jennie Danzis (Chairman), Beth Harrison, and Morris Garrabrant; Athletics: Emma Kroll and Alex Perlman; School News: Samuel Koplowitz (Chairman), Grace Lawrence and Jesse Allison; Subscription Manager: David Levine; Art Advisor: Mr. Warren English; Editorial Advisors: Miss Eda G. Willard and Mr. Andrew P. Sloan.

There are five and ¾ pages of local advertisements.

New Jersey State Normal School at Newark
Pedagese periodical
May · Item · 1915
Part of Pedagese

Volume II, No. 3. The Annual subscription costs 50 cents. No publication date, but the likely printed in late May or early June. The editor-in-chief was Helen J. Mac Caskie.

The table of contents lists Literature, Poems, School News, Athletics, and Practice Notes.

The following people contributed: Associate Editor: Pauline Glassman; Business Managers: Ruth Landesman and Albin Frey; Circulation Managers: Jennie Rogers, George Whyte; Literature: Mildred Versoy, Isabelle Folsome, Adelaide Scarlet, and Georgianna Seaman; School News: Sadie Lipson, Julia Timer, and Ruth Meyer; Practice Notes: Blanche Maybaum, Mary L. Masterns, and Gertrude Ernst; Athletics: Gertrude Kennaly and Alice Holland.

There are five pages of local advertisements.

New Jersey State Normal School at Newark
Pedagese periodical
May · Item · May 1914
Part of Pedagese

The table of contents list Editorials, Literature, School News, Social News, and Athletics.

Editorial contributions were written by Chas. Grant Shaffer, G.M. Belfatto, and Jean Ashmead.

Literary essays, play, and poems were written by student contributors Caroline S. Romer, Mildred H. Gaffy, Alex. Goldberg, Marjorie Scarlett, Jane Abelson, Dorothy Fee, Margaret Coult, and Harold A. Greene.

Page 17 includes a photomechanical image of the Board of Editors of Pedagese.

School News included the following headlines: Teaching Appointments, Resolutions, At Webster, The Camera Club, Plans for Commencement, Sanctuary, and Perserphone, as well as Practice Notes.

Social News includes school happenings, marriages, where the faculty members spent Easter week, extract from a diary, and a Pedagese Dance.

Athletics included the first Gym Meet, which included the high jump, potato race, dash, broad jump, shotput, and pole climb. Basketball (boys) and Baseball (boys) were also mentioned.

There are three pages of local advertisements.

New Jersey State Normal School at Newark
Pedagese periodical
January · Item · January 1914
Part of Pedagese

The table of contents lists Literature, Editorial, School News, Organizations, and Athletics. It states school history after the opening of their first designated building, school government, an abolition of modern dancing in favor of a two-step waltz, a list of visitors to the school, and a description about practical training at different schools.

The Literary essays and poems were written by student contributors Mildred Versoy, Maria Fricina (two pieces), Regina Mulcahy, Florence Nettleship, and Alexander Goldberg.

The following organizations are listed and described: The Camera Club, The Weather Prophets, History of Education Club, Ye Sweet Signers, The Normal Business League, The Spelling Bee, The Board of Health, Ye Story-Tellers and Story –Players, The Arts and Crafts, The Travel Club.

Details about Athletics included headings about the Society of the Athletic Association of the Newark State Normal School, Basketball (boys), Girls Athletics (basketball), and the Walking Club (girls).

There are four pages of local advertisements.

There’s one loose image of the school building.

New Jersey State Normal School at Newark
Pedagese periodical
December · Item · 1915
Part of Pedagese

Volume III, No. 1, Christmas Number. The annual subscription costs 50 cents, single copies twenty cents. The editor-in-chief was Pauline Glassman.

The Table of contents lists Editorials, Literature, Practise Notes, School News, Athletics, Among Ourselves, and Where Our Graduates Are Placed.

The following people contributed: Literature: Isabelle Folsom (Chairman) and Adelaide Scarlett; School News: Julia Timer (Chairman), Louise Manheim, Grace Snook, and Jeanette Eckstein; Practise Notes: Matilda Frank; Athletics: Emma Knoll; Advertising Manager: Charles Allen; Circulation: Sadie Soffell (Chairman) and David Levine; Faculty Advisers: Andrew P. Sloan and Miss Willard.

New Jersey State Normal School at Newark