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Grades Book, 1892-1901
1 · Folder · 1892-1901
Part of Clara Wolverton Papers

Clara Wolverton’s “Grades Book” is a handwritten notebook documenting her teachers’ names and the grades she earned in each subject from Centennial Grammar School 1892 - 1894, Trenton High School 1894 - 1898, through New Jersey State Normal School 1898 - February 1901. There are some additional loose pages with calculations and class lists also housed with the book.

Wolverton, Clara, 1879-1964
Clara Wolverton Papers
TCNJ002 · Collection · 1892-1930

The Clara Wolverton Papers contain materials from her early education beginning in 1892, through Normal School, and her earliest teaching years ending in 1903. It comprises personal items such as her grades book, greeting cards, and notes of affection from her students, as well as professional items such as her teaching contracts and letters of recommendation, and also printed commencement programs and tickets and clippings. There are only a few items after this time period, and they document her involvement in the Red Cross and Botanical Society of Pennsylvania.

There are no materials related to teaching at Trenton Public Schools or attending University of Pennsylvania.

Her collection also initially contained six books, four of which were cataloged and added to the Historical Textbooks and General Collections of Gitenstein Library, and two were deaccessioned due to duplication.

Wolverton, Clara, 1879-1964
7 · Series · 1900-1913
Part of Clara Wolverton Papers

The newspaper clippings are about the State Normal School, mostly graduation and class day exercises 1900-1901, profiles of faculty, and engagement and wedding announcements, likely of classmates (but possibly of former students or peers). They span from 1900-1913.

Wolverton, Clara, 1879-1964
Grades Book, 1892-1901
1 · Item · 1892-1901
Part of Clara Wolverton Papers

Clara Wolverton’s “Grades Book” is a handwritten notebook documenting her teachers’ names and the grades she earned in each subject from Centennial Grammar School 1892 - 1894, Trenton High School 1894 - 1898, through New Jersey State Normal School 1898 - February 1901. There are some additional loose pages with calculations and class lists also housed with the book.

Wolverton, Clara, 1879-1964
1 · Series · 1892-1901
Part of Clara Wolverton Papers

Clara Wolverton’s “Grades Book” is a handwritten notebook documenting her teachers’ names and the grades she earned in each subject from Centennial Grammar School 1892 - 1894, Trenton High School 1894 - 1898, through New Jersey State Normal School 1898 - February 1901. There are some additional loose pages with calculations and class lists also housed with the book.

Wolverton, Clara, 1879-1964
2 · Folder · 1896-1903
Part of Clara Wolverton Papers

A combination of personal and professional materials comprise this series which encompasses her childhood through early career, including a letter from Edna James Blain Smith to Clara's mother asking permission for her to spend the night in order to view the inauguration parade in January 1896, and several recommendation letters from school superintendents and teachers contracts from Bound Brook Public School, Manchester Township School, and Passaic County Schools.

Wolverton, Clara, 1879-1964
2 · Series · 1896-1903
Part of Clara Wolverton Papers

A combination of personal and professional materials comprise this series which encompasses her childhood through early career, including a letter from Edna James Blain Smith to Clara's mother asking permission for her to spend the night in order to view the inauguration parade in January 1896, and several recommendation letters from school superintendents and teachers contracts from Bound Brook Public School, Manchester Township School, and Passaic County Schools. Also included are several affectionate “Haledon Students’ Love Notes to Teacher” from 1901.

Wolverton, Clara, 1879-1964
4 · Series · 1895-1922
Part of Clara Wolverton Papers

This series contains a wide range of materials from her high school through professional years. From Trenton High School, there are tickets and programs for graduation exercises which contain lists of names of graduating students. From State Normal School, there are Matriculation (enrollment) cards, performance programs, and graduation event materials starting in 1898 until 1901. Of particular note are hand-written song lyrics to "Farewell to State Schools'' and "Seniors" sung to the tune of Yankee Doodle, as well as printed songs for holidays and February Class of 1901. From Wolverton’s early teaching years, there are event programs from her school, social, and possibly church activities. In addition, there are some personal items including a business card for her brother G. Wolverton Jr. at Prudential LIfe Insurance Company, a Pennsylvania Railroad Company Photographic Monthly Commutation ticket from 1929 when she may have still been a student at University of Pennsylvania, Red Cross membership certificates during WWI, and Botanical Society of Pennsylvania meeting programs and studies from the early 1920s. It is unknown if Clara Wolverton attended these programs for pleasure or part of her continued education to become a science teacher.

Wolverton, Clara, 1879-1964