The circumstances surrounding this clearly satirical newspaper, and its relationship with The Signal, remain partly unknown. However, it probably relates to a student production of the comedy "Beggar on Horseback" by George Kaufman and Marc Connelly. The rather morbid cover story seems to be a riff on the events of the play, with students appearing under the names of the characters they played. Other "news" stories appear throughout, alongside "advertisements" with the names and members of school organizations, as well as illustrations. Several advertisements related to buying bonds to support the United States in World War Two also are present. No transcription.
unknownBrass name stencil for S. E. Wolverton. The stencils in this collection likely pre-date Clara Wolverton, (possibly mid-19th century on), and their original owner is unknown.
unknownThere are 2 brass name stencils for S. E. Wolverton and S. C. Wolverton. These stencils likely pre-date Clara Wolverton, (possibly mid-19th century on), and their original owner is unknown, though her mother’s married initials start with S. C..
unknownBrass name stencil for S. C. Wolverton. The stencils in this collection likely pre-date Clara Wolverton, (possibly mid-19th century on), and their original owner is unknown, though her mother’s married initials start with S. C..
unknownThe photographs are of two subjects: an informal baby picture of nine-month-old June E. Wolverton, Wolverton’s great-niece (child of Austin), and a double studio portrait of Clara Wolverton appearing in 1920s dress - the same photograph was used on her 1929 railroad pass.
unknownThere are 2 brass name stencils for S. E. Wolverton and S. C. Wolverton. These stencils likely pre-date Clara Wolverton, (possibly mid-19th century on), and their original owner is unknown, though her mother’s married initials start with S. C..
unknownReal photo postcard of Rosena Craig Foster, possibly wearing her graduation dress.
unknownThese two photographs, both from the same donor, depict groups of members of the Arguromuthos Sigma ("Argo") sorority in around 1941; only one photo is dated. The first shows the sisters at an outdoor picnic, while the second depicts the sorority in the drawing room of Allen Hall (the center portion of "ABE"). The two photos also include a largely incomplete list of names in each image, provided by the donor. No transcription.
unknownThis photo exists as both a print and as the original glass plate negative. The first page is a scan of the print, while the second is a direct scan of the negative. Both depict the a boy and his Dalmatian dog at the corner of Clinton Avenue and Monmouth Street. While the photographer remains unidentified, the negative was found with others attributed to John S. Neary, Sr., the school's business administrator and a photographer by hobby.
unknownA report by a Thencanic member known only as "Critic." It refers, with tongue-in-cheek seriousness, to the other members' poor appearance and behavior. Transcript available below.