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Argo Sorority Sisters photographs, ca. 1941 · Item · ca. 1941
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

These two photographs, both from the same donor, depict groups of members of the Arguromuthos Sigma ("Argo") sorority in around 1941; only one photo is dated. The first shows the sisters at an outdoor picnic, while the second depicts the sorority in the drawing room of Allen Hall (the center portion of "ABE"). The two photos also include a largely incomplete list of names in each image, provided by the donor. No transcription.

Boy and Dalmatian in front of Normal School, Trenton (ca. 1890s) · Item · ca. 1890s?
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This photo exists as both a print and as the original glass plate negative. The first page is a scan of the print, while the second is a direct scan of the negative. Both depict the a boy and his Dalmatian dog at the corner of Clinton Avenue and Monmouth Street. While the photographer remains unidentified, the negative was found with others attributed to John S. Neary, Sr., the school's business administrator and a photographer by hobby.

Critic's Report, 07 December, ca. 1895 · Item · ca. 1895
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

A harsh note on the poor behavior of the boys in the Thencanic Society. No year is given, but a mention of the Society lasting 13 years points to circa 1895 if it was founded in 1882. The Critic's name is somewhat illegible, and cannot be linked conclusively with any known student. Transcription included.
