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33 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
8 · Reeks · 19th century
Part of Clara Wolverton Papers

There are 2 brass name stencils for S. E. Wolverton and S. C. Wolverton. These stencils likely pre-date Clara Wolverton, (possibly mid-19th century on), and their original owner is unknown, though her mother’s married initials start with S. C..

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S. C. Wolverton name stencil
2 · Stuk · no date
Part of Clara Wolverton Papers

Brass name stencil for S. C. Wolverton. The stencils in this collection likely pre-date Clara Wolverton, (possibly mid-19th century on), and their original owner is unknown, though her mother’s married initials start with S. C..

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Swarthmore-Normal School debate booklet, 1918 · Stuk · 1918
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This small booklet likely comes from the same unknown "black paper backing" scrapbook as several other documents from around 1918. It details the fifth annual debate between several debating societies of the New Jersey State Normal School and several from Pennsylvania's Swarthmore College. The topic for the debate, which took place amid American intervention in the First World War, regards whether colleges should substitute military training for athletics during the war. No transcription.

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Model School Students, n.d. (circa 1900) · Stuk · ca. 1900?
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

A photograph of a group of children in front of the Normal School, presumably a class portrait. An arrow in the right margin points to a student, but the name underneath the arrow is indistinct. "M. A. Hall" is faintly inscribed on the reverse, and in another hand is inscribed: "Gift of *Anne D Moore, W. Townshend, Vt 1/87" and "this belonged to Mrs. Keppele Hall -- aunt of Mrs. Moore's husband."

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Thencanic Society-NDS Debate Resolutions/Reports, February - December 1884 · Stuk · 1884
Part of TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This series of three resolutions/letters documents two private debates and one public one between the Thencanic and the Normal Debating Society. The resolutions do not include the topics for debate, nor the names of the debaters. The identities of the Normal School students cannot be conclusively determined. Transcriptions included.

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