Mostrando 244 resultados

Descripción archivística
Blank Commencement invitation
Normal School blank Commencement invitation and envelope
Detail of illustration of lion from February 1901 Commencement program.
Commencement Collection
Normal School Commencement invitation, envelope, and name card from Lucy Vail, June 1869
Normal School Commencement invitation from Lucy Vail, June 1869
Commencement speech "I Have Wandered in my Dreams”
Normal School Commencement speech "I Have Wandered in my Dreams”
1875 Commencement program.
1875 Normal School Commencement program
Clipping about 1875 Commencements.
Clipping about 1875 Normal and Model School Commencements
1876 Commencement program.
1876 Normal School Commencement program
Clipping about 1876 Commencements.
Clipping about 1876 Commencements
Newspaper clipping about 1877 Normal School Commencement.
Newspaper clipping about 1877 Normal School Commencement
Newspaper clipping of 1878 Normal School Commencement valedictory poem.
Newspaper clipping of 1878 Normal School Commencement valedictory poem