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Normal School Commencement booklet, 1879 · Unidad documental simple · 1879
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This booklet from the 1879 Normal School commencement at Taylor Opera House includes lists of graduating students (both the February and June classes), including their home towns. It also contains the list of commencement exercises. No transcription.

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Model School Commencement program, 1903
Model School Commencement booklet, 1903 · Unidad documental simple · 1903
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This booklet from the 1903 Model School commencement includes lists of graduating students, their home towns, and their area of study. It also contains the list of commencement exercises. Of some note is the mention of an essay given by honor student Charlotta Miller on the Black poet and author Paul Lawrence Dunbar, which has unfortunately not survived. The student roster also includes several surnames that appear in other classes from around this period, namely Britton, De Cou, and Bosworth; these students may be siblings of those sharing their name. Some students from the Class of 1904 also appear. No transcription.

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Normal School Commencement booklet, 1880 · Unidad documental simple · 1880
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This booklet from the 1880 Normal School commencement at Taylor Opera House includes lists of graduating students (both the February and June classes), including their home towns. It also contains the list of commencement exercises. No transcription.

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Normal School Commencement invitation/program, 1894 · Unidad documental simple · 1894
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This invitation from the 1894 Normal School commencement is also a booklet with brief information on the course of events. The first page includes an etching of Friedrich Fröbel, a German educator credited with coining the word "kindergarten" and spreading that word to English; his face perhaps made up part of the Normal School's logo at the time. No transcription.

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Model School Class Day program, 1904
Model School Class Day booklet, 1904 · Unidad documental simple · 1904
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This small booklet records the Class Day exercises for the Model School's Class of 1904, depicting the class roster, the order of exercises, and the names of students performing. A reproduction of the corresponding commencement booklet can be found in "History of the Model Class of 1904" (see related materials below). No transcription.

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Normal School Class Day program, 1911
Normal School Class Day booklet, 1911 · Unidad documental simple · 1911
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This small booklet records the Class Day exercises for the Normal School's Class of 1911, depicting the class roster, the order of exercises, the names of students performing, and officers of various bodies. Of particular note is the mention of the "Suffragette Office of 'The Seal,'" referring to what seems to have been an all-female cohort on the staff of the school newspaper. No transcription.

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Normal School Commencement and Senior Spring Fest invitation and program, 1918 · Unidad documental simple · 1918
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This invitation to the Normal School commencement for the Class of 1918 includes an outline of events for the ceremony. The booklet had, at an unknown point, been pasted to a black backing with the "Senior Spring Festival" program from the same event on the reverse. For the corresponding commencement booklet, see the related materials below. No transcription.

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“The Girl Graduate: Her Own Book," scrapbook by Emma R. Kerns Crofton, Normal School Class of 1916 · Unidad documental simple · ca. 1911-1917
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This scrapbook includes photographs, illustrations, commencement and class day booklets, correspondence, report cards, and ephemera collected by Emma R. Kerns, Model School Class of 1916. It offers insight into the daily lives and school careers of the Model students throughout the school's final years before its closure after the 1917 academic year. Later annotations also appear; some are perhaps by Miss Kerns before her death in 1977, but others most likely were added by past Trentoniana librarians following the book's donation ca. 1977. Any additions in a clearly different hand have been rendered in italics. Some of these italicized annotations simply read "index," probably referring to Trentoniana's card catalogue.

Due to the volume's bulky nature, it was not possible to digitize without disbinding the entire volume and scanning pages individually. Two photos of the book before this process are included at the end of the PDF. Pages have been scanned in order, skipping any blank sections; as a result, page numbers may appear to jump. Kerns also pasted many booklets and folded items into these pages, and these items sometimes required multiple scans to entirely capture. Finally, note that file size limits have required a significant amount of compression to host this PDF, and may negatively affect the quality of the images. An unaltered version is available through Trentoniana upon request.

A partial transcription of the handwritten sections is included.

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History of the Model Class of 1904, 1930 · Unidad documental simple · 1930
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection

This memorial book was compiled by Kenneth Lanning, President of the Model Class of 1904, in celebration of the State Schools' 75th anniversary in 1930. While it focuses solely on the Class of 1904, the book provides a wealth of information into the members of this class, particularly after their graduation. It also includes a photograph (unlabeled) of the students, as well as a facsimile of the class's commencement booklet. Most students' names are not listed as a subject below, as the book provides most of the available information on each. A partial transcript of the autographs in the back of the book is included.

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