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Archivische Beschreibung
Portrait of Mildred Bard from 1915 The Seal yearbook.
Mildred Bard Charlesworth Pepper Papers
Candid photographs of students and faculty at Normal School.
Photographs of students and faculty at Normal School
Partial photo album of students and faculty at Normal School.
Partial photo album of students and faculty at Normal School
Portrait of Mildred Pepper with cake at exhibition of her paintings.
Portrait of Mildred Pepper with cake at exhibition
Mildred Bard's diploma from New Jersey State Normal School at Trenton.
Box 2, New Jersey State Normal School at Trenton Diploma
Gallery views of exhibition of Mildred Pepper's paintings.
Exhibition of Mildred Pepper's paintings
Portraits of Mildred Bard
Portraits of Mildred Bard
Mildred Bard's 1915 The Seal yearbook.
Box 1, The Seal 1915 - New Jersey State Normal School, Trenton
Diary of Mildred Eleanor Bard (Charlesworth, Pepper).
Box 1, Diary of Mildred Eleanor Bard (Charlesworth, Pepper)
Lists of alumni from New Jersey State Normal School at Trenton from class of 1915.
Box 1, Class of 1915 alumni lists