Six Red Cross certificates issued during World War II to Lulu Clough Haskell and her mother Lulu Clough (also listed as Mrs. Ethan (or E. E.) Clough).
General Course list for New Jersey State Normal School with record for Lulu Clough.
Letter from Lowell Johnson, Director of Physical Education Department at Roosevelt High School in Dunellen, New Jersey, complimenting Haskell on "Listener Speaks Program" radio show.
Program for banquet in honor of Sarah A. Dyne, head of the Department of History at the Normal School 1895-1923.
Report Card for Lulu Clough for 8th grade at Cadwalader School, with signatures from Principal A. M. Fell, Teacher Mary Garrish, and her father Ethan E. Clough.
Rutgers University transcripts for "Humanizing Education" and "Philosophy of Education" courses from the Courses for Teachers series.
Teaching appointment notice for Lulu Haskell for New Jersey State Normal School in Trenton with an annual salary of $2,600.
Temple University transcripts for Masters in Education program for Lulu Haskell.
Two programs inscribed "Mrs. Haskell" and "Mr. Haskell" for dinner in honor of Don Carroll Bliss, president of State Teachers College at Trenton, 1923 - 1930.
Certificate of Merit for punctual and regular attendance, correct deportment, and diligent attention to study from Cadwalader Dix Grammar School to Lulu Clough.