Member of Model School class of 1900; graduated from Lehigh University in 1909. Chief electrical engineer for John A. Roebling's Sons, Co. until 1948. Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Trenton Free Public Library (1927-1933), and member or officer of numerous other local organizations.
A literary and debate club at the Model School from 1882 to 1917. The members (only young men) focused on improving their oratory skills, personal appearance, and general comportment, with one member serving as "Critic" to evaluate the boys' behavior during each meeting. The literary aspects of the Society led to the publication of "The Signal" in 1885--while it started as a literary magazine through the Thencanic, it quickly escaped the Society's control and became a general Normal/Model School periodical. This club ended when the Model School closed in 1917. This version of the Thencanic should not be confused with the later revival in the 1930s with college students.
Model School graduate and Thencanic Society critic, ca. 1890s. No relation to Roscoe.
Thencanic Society member, ca. 1890s. Brother to Richard Blossom Farley.
Model School student, ca. 1890s. Vice-President of the Thencanic Society in 1897. Eventually became a Trenton lawyer. His obituary (in Trentoniana) states he was buried in Riverview Cemetery, Trenton, but FindAGrave does not have his marker.
Twenty-fifth President of the United States (1897-1901). Included as a subject here as the Thencanic Society, which existed during his presidency, discusses him occasionally.
Principal of the New Jersey State Normal School, Trenton, and supervising principal of the Model School, from ca. 1890 to ca. 1901. Faculty advisor for the Thencanic Society, and the recipient of a number of honors from its members.
Thencanic Society member ca. 1890s. Later a medical doctor at Mercer Hospital, a City Council member, and a member of the Trenton Board of Education.
Thencanic Society member and Secretary ca. 1890s, later Lieutenant during the Spanish-American War. Became an engineer, and later a newspaper publisher in Minnesota and Pennsylvania. First name has various spellings; the standard one is based on his tombstone:
Thencanic Society member and critic, 1890s. Son of Trenton Mayor (later US Senator) Frank O. Briggs.