Member of the Model class of 1900; no other verified information. Probably William Burgess, Jr., son of the president of the International Pottery Co. and brother of J. Stewart.
Model School Class of ca. 1884; Thencanic Society member. Son of industrialist Charles Hewitt and uncle of Charles Conrad Hewitt.
Model School student and Thencanic Club Member, ca. 1896. Also Speaker of the House for the Thencanic's Mock legislature, 1897. No other conclusive information found; no FindAGrave page; like FamilySearch ID GR6S-S34.
Thencanic member and critic, 1890s. Became a medical doctor prior to his death.
Model School Class of 1907 and Thencanic Society member; son of William Mumper. The spelling of his name is variable, and it seems like he went by "Heulings" at the Model before switching to "Hewlings" at some point before he died.