Showing 23 results

Authority record
Bunce, Edgar F., 1887-1974
Person · 1887-1974

Superintendent of Schools in New Jersey and Member of the Faculty Committee on Assembly Programs at Trenton. Later president at Glassboro from 1937-1952.

Kuhn, Effie G., 1891-1978
Person · 1891-1978

Chairperson of the Speech Department, Supervisor of Drama and member of the Faculty Committee on Assembly Programs. Taught from 1916 to unknown year.

Person · 1881-1976

Model School student and Thencanic Society member, ca. 1898. Princeton University Class of 1903. Instructor in the History of Education and later in English for the State Normal School/State Teachers College. Grandson of iron industrialist and state politician Charles Hewitt and great-nephew of iron industrialist and U.S Congressman/New York Mayor Abram Hewitt.; FamilySearch ID L51C-4QP

Burt, Charles A., 1871-1950
Person · 1871-1950

Manual training/industrial arts instructor, 1894-1935. Also involved with Thencanic Society. FamilySearch ID: M2SY-9DN

Budd, Sarah R., 1867-1939
Person · 1867-1939

Model School Latin and English instructor. FamilySearch ID: LJLG-8GW