English professor at Trenton and member of the Faculty Committee on Assembly Programs. Taught 1930-1947.
English professor at Trenton and member of the Faculty Committee on Assembly Programs. Taught 1930-1947.
Superintendent of Schools in New Jersey and Member of the Faculty Committee on Assembly Programs at Trenton. Later president at Glassboro from 1937-1952.
Chairperson of the Speech Department, Supervisor of Drama and member of the Faculty Committee on Assembly Programs. Taught from 1916 to unknown year.
Principal of the New Jersey State Normal School, Trenton, and supervising principal of the Model School, from ca. 1890 to ca. 1901. Faculty advisor for the Thencanic Society, and the recipient of a number of honors from its members. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/190030178/oliver-c-mordorf
Supervisor in the Model School and Thencanic Society founder, ca. 1880s-1890s. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/187245508/oliver-p-steves
Model School student and Thencanic Society member, ca. 1898. Princeton University Class of 1903. Instructor in the History of Education and later in English for the State Normal School/State Teachers College. Grandson of iron industrialist and state politician Charles Hewitt and great-nephew of iron industrialist and U.S Congressman/New York Mayor Abram Hewitt. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/45568782/charles_conrad_hewitt; FamilySearch ID L51C-4QP
Normal and/or Model School instructor (1895-1900) and possible graduate. Later a Principal at Ursinus College. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/57157109/charles-ernest-dechant
Manual training/industrial arts instructor, 1894-1935. Also involved with Thencanic Society. FamilySearch ID: M2SY-9DN
Model School Latin and English instructor. FamilySearch ID: LJLG-8GW
Longtime educator and eventually supervisor of the Girls' Department of the State Model School. Namesake of Ely Hall. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/126416986/sarah-yardley-ely