The Morning-Evening News (satirical newspaper), 1942

Open original Digital object

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Reference code

"The Morning-Evening News" (satirical newspaper), 1942

Name and location of repository

Level of description



The Morning-Evening News (satirical newspaper), 1942


  • 1942 (Creation)


1 issue; 4 pages total

Name of creator

Biographical history

Content and structure elements

Scope and content

The circumstances surrounding this clearly satirical newspaper, and its relationship with The Signal, remain partly unknown. However, it probably relates to a student production of the comedy "Beggar on Horseback" by George Kaufman and Marc Connelly. The rather morbid cover story seems to be a riff on the events of the play, with students appearing under the names of the characters they played. Other "news" stories appear throughout, alongside "advertisements" with the names and members of school organizations, as well as illustrations. Several advertisements related to buying bonds to support the United States in World War Two also are present. No transcription.

System of arrangement

Conditions of access and use elements

Conditions governing access

Physical access

Technical access

Conditions governing reproduction

Languages of the material

    Scripts of the material

      Language and script notes

      Finding aids

      Acquisition and appraisal elements

      Custodial history

      Immediate source of acquisition

      Appraisal, destruction and scheduling information


      Related materials elements

      Existence and location of originals

      Existence and location of copies

      Related archival materials

      Related descriptions

      Notes element

      Specialized notes

      Alternative identifier(s)

      Description control element

      Rules or conventions

      Sources used

      Access points

      Place access points

      Digital object metadata

      Master file

      Reference copy

      Thumbnail copy

      Digital object (Master) rights area

      Digital object (Reference) rights area

      Digital object (Thumbnail) rights area

      Accession area