“The Girl Graduate: Her Own Book," scrapbook by Emma R. Kerns Crofton, Normal School Class of 1916

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“The Girl Graduate: Her Own Book," scrapbook by Emma R. Kerns Crofton, Normal School Class of 1916

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“The Girl Graduate: Her Own Book," scrapbook by Emma R. Kerns Crofton, Normal School Class of 1916


  • ca. 1911-1917 (Record-keeping activity)


1 volume, approximately 187 pages; 171 scanned pages

Name of creator


Biographical history

Model School Class of 1916; scrapbook maker. Daughter of Edgar L. Kerns, founder of E. L. Kerns Bottling Company, and assumed control of the company from 1946 to 1974. Later married George Crofton (her second husband). FamilySearch ID: LYMP-4Q4

Content and structure elements

Scope and content

This scrapbook includes photographs, illustrations, commencement and class day booklets, correspondence, report cards, and ephemera collected by Emma R. Kerns, Model School Class of 1916. It offers insight into the daily lives and school careers of the Model students throughout the school's final years before its closure after the 1917 academic year. Later annotations also appear; some are perhaps by Miss Kerns before her death in 1977, but others most likely were added by past Trentoniana librarians following the book's donation ca. 1977. Any additions in a clearly different hand have been rendered in italics. Some of these italicized annotations simply read "index," probably referring to Trentoniana's card catalogue.

Due to the volume's bulky nature, it was not possible to digitize without disbinding the entire volume and scanning pages individually. Two photos of the book before this process are included at the end of the PDF. Pages have been scanned in order, skipping any blank sections; as a result, page numbers may appear to jump. Kerns also pasted many booklets and folded items into these pages, and these items sometimes required multiple scans to entirely capture. Finally, note that file size limits have required a significant amount of compression to host this PDF, and may negatively affect the quality of the images. An unaltered version is available through Trentoniana upon request.

A partial transcription of the handwritten sections is included.

System of arrangement

Conditions of access and use elements

Conditions governing access

Physical access

Technical access

Conditions governing reproduction

Languages of the material

    Scripts of the material

      Language and script notes

      Finding aids

      Acquisition and appraisal elements

      Custodial history

      Immediate source of acquisition

      Appraisal, destruction and scheduling information


      Related materials elements

      Existence and location of originals

      Existence and location of copies

      Related archival materials

      Related descriptions

      Notes element

      Specialized notes

      Alternative identifier(s)

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      Rules or conventions

      Sources used

      Access points

      Place access points

      Name access points

      Digital object metadata

      Master file

      Reference copy

      Thumbnail copy

      Digital object (Master) rights area

      Digital object (Reference) rights area

      Digital object (Thumbnail) rights area

      Accession area