This mounted photograph depicts the State Normal School, Trenton, from its location on Clinton Avenue. Three boys, perhaps Model School students, walk down the sidewalk. Scaffolding covers the façade of the middle portion that connects the Normal and Model School buildings.
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Normal School from Clinton Ave, with scaffolding, May 9, 1891
May 9, 1891
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection
Boy and Dalmatian in front of Normal School, Trenton (ca. 1890s)
ca. 1890s?
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection
This photo exists as both a print and as the original glass plate negative. The first page is a scan of the print, while the second is a direct scan of the negative. Both depict the a boy and his Dalmatian dog at the corner of Clinton Avenue and Monmouth Street. While the photographer remains unidentified, the negative was found with others attributed to John S. Neary, Sr., the school's business administrator and a photographer by hobby.
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Normal and Model Schools, Trenton, by John S. Neary (ca. 1900)
ca. 1900?
Parte de TFPL New Jersey State Normal and Model Schools at Trenton and Successor Institutions Collection
A photo of the Normal and Model Schools, Trenton, taken from across Clinton Avenue at its corner with Model Avenue. This image is scanned from its glass negative, which was originally held in an envelope that attributed the photograph to Normal and Model Schools business administrator John S. Neary, Sr.
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